Myers Mixer's High Speed Dispersers are suited to meet all your dispersion needs. Model 775 is available from 5-25 Horsepower. For larger batches Model 800 is offered in standard sizes from 30-100 H.P. and up to 200 HP for your larger batches. These heavy duty single shaft disperser are extra rugged to reduce down time.
Myers Mixers offers the Economic single shaft disperser Model 775 for Low to Medium Viscosities batches available from 5-25 H.P. Simple and sturdy, this unit is widely used for small to medium size batches. All lubrication points are externally accessible to simplify maintenance.
For Larger batches Myers Mixers, Inc. offers model 800 High-Speed Disperser. Standard sizes from 30-100 H.P. up to 200 HP. Heavy-duty single shaft disperser is extra rugged to reduce downtime.
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